7-Zip is a compression tool open-source with codes under the GNU LGPL license that enables you to reduce the size of email attachments, decompress as well as unpack files downloaded online or created as a new in RAR and Zip file format. The graphical user interface, command-line interface, and shell integration are the main methods for using the program. Easy to use and secure program with the support of encryption and password.

7-Zip Features
Support all Famous Formats
The app supports all famous compression formats like RAR, ZIP, CAB, ARI, LZH, ACE, TAR, GZip, UUE, ISO, BZIP2, RPM, ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DMG, DEB, FAT, ISO, HFS, LZH, LZMA, MBR, NTFS, MSI, NSIS, SquashFS, XAR, Z, VHD, WIM.
Handle Zip or PAR files
Compressor decompresses zip files, unpack PAR files as well as creates encrypted zip files with the program is very easy.

Dual System
It handles a two-way process as it compresses and decompresses files. the use of 7-Zip has two basic reasons—- sent a compressed file to any other computer online instantly, and secondly, the files are more protected via password and encryption.
Simple Interface
The app gives quick automatic access to open ZIP or RAR files for presenting compressed data. On top of the interface, all the tools exist to manage the archives by adding to them, repairing them, and protecting them. An easy and simple process even for the learners.
The simple and clear interface enables users to work more reliably. Open the main screen, and use File Manager for compressing files. Open the context menu and explore the latest features via right-clicking on any file. Create a list of definite features, single-click integration, access to zipped files, and finally insert them into the email server and share them.

Multiple Features
The perfect compression ratio provides strong AES-256 encryption which gives protection to files; self-extracting features are included with command-line versions as well as a file manager, a plugin for the FAR manager, and switching between 80+ languages.
Main Features
- Managing archives
- Simple and well-organized interface
- Free of cost
- Work with different formats
- Edit and decompress archives
- Use several encryption methods
- Use a password for personal security
- Easy to use